I was so convinced that she had enough money in hand, in addition to the momentum, during the last few weeks of the campaign. Now I have heard that for every 2 or 3 tv commercials during an hour, Pryce was running up to twenty. In the end, I guess Pryce's campaign was inundated with money from the state and national republican organizations. I had my own priorities during those last weeks, so I lost touch with my sources inside that campaign.
Now I have learned from a very reliable source that Chris Redfern was dating someone on Pryce's campaign, and that it was only after the couple was "called out" on this obvious conflict, did the girlfriend quit the Pryce campaign (I think she works somewhere in the state or national mechanations of the Republican Party now).
I questioned Chris Redfern's judgement when he picked up the tab for a joint D-R get-together shortly after I think the time he became State Party Chair. The Republicans involved claimed to have left their credit cards in the office or some such nonsense, and I suspected the occurrence was a set-up all along. Even if it wasn't, I was angered at the time that he didn't leave the R's to stew in their own juices. They would have never paid us the same favor. I still don't understand how some in our Party think there is any getting along to do with R's. They shut us out and screw us over and average Ohioans and Americans everyday, and there is no end to it.
I am not in the habit of trashing our Party Chairs; I think it is too much and too convenient of a sport among certain party activists and officials, and I think, ultimately, however much the Chair is able to accomplish in what are a limited number of hours in the day, that there is a limit to what they can realistically do or effect. And they are just human beings like the rest of us who never get to do everything we want to do either. However, we have not heard much from Mr. Redfern since the end of the campaign, nor has the ODP website been updated or maintained on a meaningful basis.
Does anyone have anything to share on either one of these two issues?