This probably is a first in Ohio history
The new Democratic governor vetoed a bill that would have limited lawsuits against lead pigment manufacturers, a bill that Republicans insist already is law. GOP lawmakers promised a court fight, saying Strickland used up his good- will with them on his first day in office, even as the new governor was vowing to work with the GOP-led legislature.
Taft said last week that he was allowing the bill to become law without his signature, which his office argues happened on Friday. But Strickland and his advisers say their interpretation is that the bill had not yet become law, so Strickland took the opportunity to veto it.
Legislative leaders and Taft’s office say the 10-day period began Dec. 26, the day the Senate adjourned after a lame duck session, said former Taft spokesman Mark Rickel. That would mean the bill became law on Friday. Strickland and his new legal counsel, Kent Markus, say the clock started ticking Dec. 28, the day after the bill was transmitted to the governor’s office — meaning the 10 days didn’t expire until the end of yesterday.
(Primary bill sponsor Rep. Bill Seitz, R-Cincinnati) said Strickland’s actions ‘went a long way towards draining whatever reservoir of goodwill would have otherwise attended his first day in office.’
‘It damages (relations) in the way that we would prefer to have it damaged, which is the first act of war being declared by them. If that’s the bed they want to make, they can lie in it.’
In the Repukes' view of the universe, it promotes bipartisan "goodwill" to ram through ill-conceived special interest legislation in the waning days of their grip on total power, but it "damages relations" when the new Governor actually does something that's in the best interest of the majority of Ohioans that elected him.