"Working illegally on Wednesday, eligible for a green card on Saturday"
http://news.enquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070901/NEWS01/709010359Butler Co. deportations halted
Lawyer for illegal immigrants goes to court
Dlott did not issue an order Friday, but Namei said a meeting with the judge and federal authorities resulted in an agreement that no one would be immediately deported or moved to a jail far from Butler County.
He (Namei) said some still might be able to apply for status as permanent residents.
http://cmsimg.enquirer.com/apps/pbcsi.dll/bilde?Site=AB&Date=20070901&Category=NEWS01&ArtNo=309010031&Ref=V1&MaxW=315&border=1http://news.enquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070902/NEWS01/709020415The federal raid on a Butler County company that led to the arrest of 161 suspected illegal immigrants Tuesday cost $4 million, a state official told more than 40 people who met Saturday to determine how to help families affected by the raid.
"I think that it's important for every American to ask: 'Is that price worth it? Is this the best use of taxpayer dollars?' In my mind, the answer's clearly no," Escudero said after the meeting.
Just wondering why we need financial advice from someone who supports breaking the laws of the land, and if he is that concerned about how best to spend taxpayer money, perhaps he should advice the president and congress how not to squander the billions...imho. (typo edit).