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Gen Clark fundraising for Robin Weirauch, OH-05

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Adelante Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-29-07 02:24 PM
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Gen Clark fundraising for Robin Weirauch, OH-05
Pouring rain. 10-hour long lines. A final margin of just 2%. This was Ohio in 2004.

But one year before any votes are cast in the general election, we have a chance to send a message to voters in Ohio and across the country: 2008 will not be 2004.

Robin Weirauch is running for the open seat in Ohio's 5th congressional district. Voters will be hitting the ballot box in less than two weeks on December 11.

A victory in OH-5 will send a message across Ohio and America that voters are ready to turn the page on George W. Bush and the Republicans. Contribute to Robin's campaign today!


Like many of the races I've asked you to help with in the past, this is a tough district. It's a Republican district, but as I've said before, we've got to compete everywhere. Republican districts can become Democratic districts. Republican states can become Democratic states. But only if we contest the seats.

I remember campaigning last year in Montana with Jon Tester, standing with Jim Webb in Virginia, and barnstorming some of the reddest Congressional districts in the final days of the 2006 elections. With you by my side, we changed the map.

We have the chance to do it again. Bush won this district by 20 points in 2004, but in 2006, Governor Ted Strickland and Senator Sherrod Brown carried it for Democrats. Now in this special election, just 13 days away, Robin Weirauch can win Ohio's 5th district...with your help.

Please rush a contribution to Robin in these final days before the special election on December 11.

$8,790.51 raised so far today - please help if you can.
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Kolesar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-29-07 04:21 PM
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1. AFL-CIO is "targeting" this early race and funding Weirach
or so I heard on Labor Radio on WELW
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jakefrep Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-03-07 07:21 PM
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2. I can't believe what's going on in this race....
The DCCC is dumping $150K into anti-Latta ads, and providing staff & other support.

The ODP is doing mailings and providing staff.

And Robin is on track to far outstrip her fundraising in 2004 and 2006.
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cmd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-04-07 10:13 AM
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3. The GOP is pouring money into this race
CQ Politics notes the House Republican campaign committee has responded to the recent Democratic ad buy in OH-5 with a very large expenditure of their own.

"That the NRCC is spending its relatively limited financial resources in such a strongly Republican-leaning district suggests that House Republican campaign officials are not taking the race for granted — and that the contest may be closer than is suggested by the district’s political demographics and election history."

The Swing State Project has more information on the GOP cash infusion.


To do the math for you, that's $280,000 to defend a rock solid Republican seat that Bush carried by 22 points in 2004. As we've said before, this is money the GOP can't afford to spend -- their latest fundraising report showed the committee to still be carrying a net debt of $1 million (compared to a net surplus of $27 million for the DCCC).

The GOP is seriously sweating this district? Inconceivable!

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liberalnurse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-07-07 06:39 AM
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4. Obama Campaign helping to Elect Robin!!!
Now this is impressive indeed. I'm a Clinton supporter but I give hugs to the Obama Camp for this work!

snip> email

Dear Liberalnurse,

In less than a week you can make a difference in Ohio and in Washington, DC.

Next Tuesday, there's a special election for Congress in Ohio's 5th District, a traditionally Republican stronghold that is within reach for Democrats thanks to a strong candidate, Robin Weirauch.

It's a tough race, but if we're going to change this country, we have to be ready to stand up for our principles everywhere. Because when we do, we win.

There's no time to waste -- here's what you can do:

-- Call Obama supporters in the 5th District to remind them to vote, and ask them to volunteer locally:

-- Donate to Robin Weirauch's campaign via

-- Volunteer to contact voters in the district as part of the campaign's virtual phone bank from across Ohio; to participate, send an email to

One of the most inspiring things about the movement we've created together is that it's bigger than a presidential campaign.

We've brought new people into the political process, and we're proving a new model of grassroots campaigning that will impact races up and down the ballot for a generation.

Right now, you have the opportunity to make a difference -- to shape this election in Ohio's 5th District, to strengthen our party, and to build the broader movement for change.

Please join us in taking action.

Thank you,

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