other disabled people run for political office. is it the travel that would bother you?
I am rather dismayed with what's going on at the Board of Elections in Cuyahoga County, and it may have made the Party gun-shy. I think the new system, with the right training and new people, should have been given the opportunity to work. I have personal experience with scanning technology that the SOS has mandated, and it SUCKS!
Also, I heard Tim Hagan on WMJI the other morning. He's in the habit of double-speaking everything, but he was especially skittish in that particular airing.
Mayor Frank Jackson isn't the most aggressive leader, but I think he's dealing with a bunch of angry safety-service employees angry about residency requirements.
Cleveland, as usual, has its assortment of problems. I am reading a book
Portraits of Power: Ohio and National Politics, 1964-2004 by {Ohio politics journalist} Abe Zaidan (Author)and John C. Green (Author). (You can go here for an editorial review:
http://www.amazon.com/Portraits-Power-National-Politics-1964-2004/dp/1931968462/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1199629141&sr=1-2It's an updated edition from a previous publish, and even if you're still livid after you read the book, it helps to provide historic perspective. I know that "livid" feeling.
Best wishes for the new year.