and will probably get the nomination. My major concern with Obama is his religious outlook. Way to strong for my tastes and reminds me of the rethugs. That is where Edwards impressed me because he said it is a personal thing that should be private and I agree with him 100%. I don't know if Obama believes in the separation of church and state as I see it. I think the wall should be thick and tall so you can't get through it or over it! This is just an opinion so please don't get your panties in a wade.
I also disagree with his health care plan but I also don't like Clinton's. Both are too close to the lobbyist on this one.
As far as the Iraq war Clinton was wrong to vote yes. Obama was not a Senator at the time so what he says has little impact on me since there is no real vote to look at. Talk is cheap. Please don't flame me on this but I have heard too many politicians on both sides talk out there rear ends. The Democrats that voted no have my deepest respect. As a Viet Nam era vet that was caught up in the draft in 1971 and spend four years in the military (I was lucky not to go to Viet Nam but some of my friends were not so lucky) and with a nephew currently in Iraq I want the troops out now. The invasion and current occupation of Iraq is costing the US too much in "silver and blood" and the impact on the economy is is staggering. $12,000,000,000 per month and the number of injured and dead American service personnel returning is just too much for me. I have not heard much from either candidate that impresses me concerning Iraq.
No matter which Democratic Party candidate is nominated they will still be 1000 times better than McCain or any other Rethug in the White House. My perspective comes from living in SW Ohio for the past 20 years and being surrounded by a large majority of rethug assholes. Think living beside Mean Jean Schmidt and her kind at a ratio of four rethugs for every one Democrat. It has the affect of changing one's perspective rather quickly.
On edit... with all that said I am leaning more towards Obama, but I have reservations with both candidates.
One more edit... After listening to Countdown with Keith Olbermanns special comment if Clinton does not take Keith's advise I will be supporting Obama 100%.