General office assistance is always needed, especially in the fall when things really start getting nuts. The possibilities are just too much to list -- answering phones (different from phone banking), running canvassers to neighborhoods, preparing flyers, etc., for distribution, helping to distribute campaign materials (yard signs, buttons, bumper stickers, etc.). Coordinating out-of-state volunteers will also most likely be a factor this year, just like it was with Kerry in 2004.
In addition, look at your resume. What do you do for a living? Can that somehow be parlayed into helping a candidate? For instance, I have a media background, and back in 2004, for the hell of it, I submitted a resume to a congressional candidate and came pretty close to getting a job. What held it up was my family responsibilities -- yes, taking a job with a candidate can be a crapshoot, but dang! What if it pays off?
Give 'em a call, ask what their needs are, and tell them what you can do for them. Any campaign worth anything will gladly welcome you on board.