— The effect of a hot-button ballot issue on the presidential election in crucial Ohio will be tested again this year if a mandatory sick-day proposal qualifies, experts say.
Just as the 2004 election of President Bush was shaped in part on turnout for an issue banning gay marriages, Barack Obama should benefit from the sick-day issue, which is strongly backed by several Democrat-embracing unions.
The issue would require companies with at least 25 employees to give them seven sick days per year, with any unused sick time to be carried over to the next year.
Backers have until Aug. 6 to collect the 120,683 signatures to put the issue on the ballot alongside Obama and Republican John McCain on Nov. 4. So far, about 100,000 have been collected, campaign spokesman Dale Butland said Thursday.
Hey...whatever helps. But my first reaction was sadness that such a proposal to provide the basic minimum in sick coverage even needs to be on the ballot in the first place.