blog seems to hilite Dems' chaotic scramble to fill them in Stephanie's district.'s next: Interim, permanent successors need to be selected for Stephanie Tubbs Jones.
Though long since out of the area due to my spouse's constant IT job-hunt in this state, I grew up next door to the district she served. After reading the comments connected to this blog article, it seems clear that the Dems just can't seem to unify around potential leadership, though I hope to see something better from Dems when the initial shock and grief hits the later stages.
My guess is that that apathy in her district long-since set in as persons learned a certain futility of finding personal stability and community purpose here. Despite that, Tubb-Jones fought hard for the area's beleagered citizens in Congress, and her shoes will be hard to fill where everyone has such divergent and racially polorized viewpoints. Maybe, Forbes got it wrong--maybe just half the city/suburban area is dying. Just read the comments.
I'd sure like to call out the Dems and challenge them to get it together in this district. I'd like to see happier times for Cleveland in general. Or are the folks here just too, too comfortable with their individual status quo rice bowls that they can't even imagine a greater future good in this neck of the woods/hoods!