Dr. Victoria Wulsin (Dem nominee in '06 & '08) and Paul Hackett ('05) are the latest to join Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory in uniting behind our campaign to defeat Jean Schmidt in November. They realize that in order to hold Jean Schmidt accountable in November, we need a Democratic candidate that we both can trust and that represents the best of our values. We can not afford to provide Jean with election sideshows like lawsuits and other baggage that she can hide behind. This is why the two people who know best what it means to take on Jean Schmidt have both endorsed our campaign. Chili's FAQ "It's been suggested that the Governor has endorsed another candidate in the race. Is this true?"
Absolutely not. Despite attempts to try and convince voters otherwise, the Governor has not endorsed a candidate. I too have met and support Gov Strickland.
"I've heard some data about polling in the race. Can you tell me more?"
I worked with a lot of market and poll data when I was a brand manager at P&G. The first thing you learn is that you can run a poll to say anything you want. The polls that have been pushed by other campaigns are highly questionable. They are automated polls with no one on the other side of the phone, and because of their ineffectiveness, are not accepted by the New York Times, AP, CBS News, and many others. Chris Van Hollen, chair of the DCCC, recently cited these polls as "not credible." In fact, this is a common tool of the Republican party, and a recent Politico article highlights this. Everything Else If you haven't donated yet, please consider doing so online. Primary voters will begin to really engage in this race towards the end of March and we have a strong plan in place. With your support we can use this primary period to consolidate the base, and have the momentum we need going into November. Please donate $50, $100 or $250 online today.
We have just started recruiting Campaign Committee members and volunteers. Please contact me so we can work together to take back the 2nd District.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions, thoughts, or anything else.
To Victory in November!
Surya Yalamanchili "Chili" --*-- I get lots of emails.