This apparently is going on in 20 other states. The republican owned nursing home cartels have found another way to disinfranchise our vulerable seniors......
As an Ohio Legislative Liaison, I call out to DU members to assist with our mission to stop this abuse.
Good afternoon, all.
The medication administration technician issue has hit the proverbial fan. We need your help now more than ever. Please make it a priority to call or email your and other key legislators, listed at the bottom of this email, and urge them to OPPOSE SB 196 that has been amended. Details follow from Jan Lanier, who is with Wynne Simpkins and Lisa Rankin at the statehouse now, fighting for nurses and patients against this irresponsible measure.
!!!!!!!ACTION ALERT!!!!!!!
Medication Administration by Unlicensed Persons
In the final days of the 125th General Assembly House leadership has unilaterally decided to "gift" the long-term care (LTC) industry by enacting into law a broad provision that gives authority for unlicensed persons to administer medications in nursing homes, residential care facilities, & ICFs/MR. The proposed (but yet undrafted) language, while termed a "pilot" in reality is a two-year phase-in of statewide medication aides with few statutorily imposed direction or constraints.
This major policy change with significant implications for public safety has not had a single legislative hearing because the change will not be accomplished through a stand-alone bill. Rather, strategists have set into motion a plan to amend an existing Senate bill (SB196) currently before the House Commerce & Labor Committee, thus effectively eliminating any meaningful opportunity for public scrutiny of the amendment language. In fact, timing considerations will make it almost impossible for lawmakers to carefully review this important proposal. They will be forced to rely on what they hear from industry lobbyists and their constituents - hopefully many nurses! If nurses do not express their concerns the will of the LTC industry will prevail unchallenged. It is also essential that nursing demonstrate to legislators its determination to be an effective player at the statehouse. W must mount a visible force in response to this power play from LTC, so that our ability to achieve any of our legislative goals in the future will not be jeopardized!
Please email, call, write or visit your own state representative and state senator, Speaker Larry Householder, Speaker to be Jon Husted, and the members of the House Commerce & Labor Committee. Make the following points:
· The public policy change affected by the anticipated amendment to SB196 has significant safety implications and should not be doe in haste without an opportunity to carefully assure adequate safeguards are in place.
· There is no reason to rush this language through in a lame duck session.
· While nursing has a long-standing history of opposing the use of unlicensed individuals to perform health care tasks that could cause serious harm if done incorrectly. We have repeatedly offered to meet with stakeholders to begin a dialog and hopefully reach a reasonable compromise on this issue of medication administration. These offers have been ignored and the discussions have never occurred.
· The amendment as we expect it to be drafted if very general with much of the responsibility for developing the phased-in program left to rule making. An advisory council largely made up of LTC industry representatives will have no statutory constraints to consider with respect to the kinds of drugs that can be given. The route of administration, the role of the licensed nurse, the qualifications of the medication aide, the length or content of the training covers. Such lack of direction will allow the LTC industry to control the entire process with not recourse for the general public.
· While described as a "pilot" there are no expectations set forth in statute to guide data collection, or analysis. The time frame of 18 months to two years is inadequate to allow program start up, meaningful data collection and analysis. The program will be come permanent unless the legislature acts to rescind the authorizing statute.
· Conclude with your own experiences relative to the safety of medication administration in long term care.
Legislators to Contact IMMEDIATELY:
Gov. Bob Taft Phone: 614-466-3555 Link to email: Larry Householder: Phone: 614-466-2575 Email:
Rep. Shawn Webster (or aide Stephanie): Phone: 614-644-5095 Email:
Rep. Tim Schaffer (or aide Jessica Mead): Phone: 614-466-8100 Email:
Rep. Jon Husted (or aides Chris Kershner or Dan Baker): Phone: 614-644-6008 Email:
Rep. Chuck Calvert (or aides Zeb or Peter): Phone: 614-466-8140 Email:
Senate President Doug White: Phone: 614-466-8082 Email:
Sen. Bill Harris: Phone: 614-466-8086 Email:
Sen. Lynn Wachtmann: Phone: 614-466-8150 Email:
Sen. Jeff Jacobson: Phone: 614-466-4538 Email:
And any or all of the House Commerce and Labor Committee:
Commerce and Labor
Vice Chair
Ranking Minority Member
D. Stewart