New user, can't create a thread, otherwise I would post this to a new thread. (Strange feature). If anyone feels like crossposting this to a fresh thread, please feel free.
I just finished cranking some of the numbers from the final report of the Cuyahoga BOE. Here's an improved version of the now-famous graph of Kerry Support vs. Voter Turnout in Cuyahoga county:
What I found interesting where all those outliers in the lower-right quadrant of the graph. Many precincts -- not just the tiny precincts -- have shockingly low turnout, and are hanging way off the general curve.
You can focus in even further. Look at the precincts on the graph that fall below the 40% turnout line. There's some big precincts there.
It seems that many of these precincts seem to be in Cleveland. CLEVELAND 7V would be a good example: 971 registered voters (it's a huge precinct), but only 288 voted.
That got me thinking. The problem with most of the voting conspiracy theories is that they manage to identify at best 3 or 4 thousand votes at a time. That's no way to steal an election.
Let's say you wanted to steal an election. Let's say you under-allocated machines to minority Cleveland precincts. Let's say that all defective machines are allocated to the same precints, and let's say you don't issue replacements for non-functioning machines, despite the fact that you 60 or 70 spares held back. (Or even simpler, just send a registered voters into these precincts early in the morning, to break machines in these precints. Let's say that a lot of registered voters are determined to cast their vote even if it means standing in line for eight or ten hours, but are not able to do so because of other commitments such as work or children. Let's say that's as much as 30 or 40% of registered voters in working class precints.
Now, let's wave a magic wand and pretend that none of those things allegedly happened. Let's pretend that nobody had to wait more than an hour or two. Let's pretend that turnouts in Cleveland precincts were good across the board. How would things look if that were true?
What if --- admittedly, this is a big what if --- what if voter turnout had been at least 66% (the county average) in all precincts in Cuyahoga county? What if the turnout had been decent in all of the Cleveland precincts? It's easy enough to swag this number. Just scale the actual votes cast by Max(0.66,actualturnout)/actualturnout.
Here's how many votes Kerry gains over Bush:
Not quite enough to carry Ohio, but this is only one of several obvious target counties in Ohio.
P.S. What's with the BROOK PARK 3-A precint? Four registered voters, none of whom voted? I'm sure there's a fascinating story in there somewhere. Anyone know what it is.