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An Open Letter to All Prospective Triad, Diebold, and ES&S Whistleblowers

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NJCher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-27-04 12:35 AM
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An Open Letter to All Prospective Triad, Diebold, and ES&S Whistleblowers
Hey, Ohioans,

Anybody up for making some copies of this most excellent appeal and posting it at spots like the Triad elevators, restrooms, or maybe even putting it on windshields bear some of these voting machine companies?

Editorial: Election 2004: On Christmas Day, An Open Letter to All Prospective Triad, Diebold, and ES&S Whistleblowers


Dear Sir or Madam,

We would be remiss if we did not, first and foremost, acknowledge that any fears you have of public exposure are indeed warranted. The crimes (or mere malfeasance) you have committed or are committing, or have abetted or are abetting, or are merely cognizant of, are of such a scope and gravity that those whom they benefit and those whose good name they implicate would certainly issue grave consequences to any man or woman who held such actions to public scrutiny. To assume the office of President of the United States at this point in history is to be first and foremost among all members of the species; to have at once the power to command, compel, coerce, aid, or enjoin any endeavor one chooses, to craft a unified but nevertheless intimate vision into the workaday circumstances which govern an entire planet. If a man would kill for oil, would kill to feed his family, would kill to save his people, would kill to save himself, would kill to achieve the utmost letter of his destiny, he would kill -- or allow others to kill -- to obtain the Presidency of the United States. Perhaps you fear such a consequence for exposing what you know and revealing who else it is that knows the things you know; perhaps you don't. Perhaps you think this warning is needlessly vainglorious; perhaps you think the identifying mark of an adequate warning is whether or not it issues notice of all that is possible, whether or not any of it is, in the final accounting, certain or even probable. So perhaps you would not face physical harm as an election-fraud whistleblower -- but if you are an election-fraud whistleblower, you know as well as we do you've considered the intimate details of such an eventuality.

So why take the extraordinary step of informing on a sitting presidential administration? Why aim to shock the world when you still have hope of dying in peaceful obscurity?

Perhaps you feel you've come to a break in the road, that point in your life when you recognize -- and are genuinely surprised to recognize -- that you have the power and the authority to shape your own place in history: either as a minute cog in the machinery of someone else's injustices, or as an embattled purveyor of hard-won principles. Perhaps you find yourself, with each passing day, acknowledging with greater clarity of spirit and force of will than you ever thought possible your potential to amend great harms in the near or distant past, to advance the single indivisible good of a world forever at war with its own intentions: justice. Perhaps being a Democrat or a Republican means less to you at this moment in your life than the removal of that larger philosophical burden you've lately shouldered -- the burden of catch-as-catch-can, of dog-eat-dog, of as-you-wilt, which both diminishes your spirit and emboldens your darkest fears about yourself.

Consider: a truth is born in the moment it finds its best expression, and is never so brilliant as in that single mark in time; whereas lies, as you know, are graceless and turgid from the start to the finish. And whereas a lie can be extinguished, a truth, once uttered, cannot be long opposed. There are people who can protect you from the unintended consequences of knowing who you know and knowing what you know: admittedly, not law enforcement; but perhaps, instead -- in this age where the utterance of any significant truth must be richly paid in advance -- the media, which having released your story to its audience of tens of millions, and having undoubtedly profited handsomely from doing so, would have done more for you and your physical safety than the law, singly or as a part, could ever do: that is, make of you a celebrity. Celebrity is the quickest and truest form of personal security a whistleblower can accrue.

Of course, you ought not do what we are asking you now to do for the instant celebrity it may bring; and don't do it for the political implications of doing it; or for the money; nor out of any rational or irrational fear of reprisal. Do it because you will rest easier having done it than having gone to your grave imagining what it would be like to have been the sort of man or woman who would do such a thing, to have lived such a life, to have made such choices, to have had the sort of grace in living that presupposes a grace which outlasts the living. You could make such a choice today, and we hope you will have the certainty of will and the strength of spirit to make that choice.

So excuse yourself from the degradation of deceit, the stink of worldly machinations, and tell the world what you've done and what you've seen. Shock the pillars of history to the depths of their foundations.

We are waiting for a single man or woman of integrity to speak. We are waiting to be surprised back into an unwavering faith in the essential dignity of our fellows.

Sincerely, and with exceptional anticipation,

The Advocate Staff

See Related Stories:

("Election Worker Refuses to Lie for Voting Software Company," WISH-TV/Channel 8 , 4/22/04) (see above link)

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The Doctor. Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-27-04 12:42 AM
Response to Original message
1. Thanks.
think it might be too wordy?

I'd try something like...

............... If you know something, you could be in a heap of trouble ...............

Get it off your chest, public exposure is safety, just ask G.Gordon Liddy.

Make some money too.

It's OK.
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kitkat65 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-30-04 01:08 AM
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3. Not to mention the fabulous book deals and made-for-tv movie offers
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Zan_of_Texas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-27-04 12:46 AM
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2. Good luck.
Best I can tell, the Triad company includes 3 execs who are family members, and maybe 5 techs. Maybe there are more, but that is unclear.

I am not saying they are a crime family. However, it is interesting that with these voting companies, there does seem to be a family element. Same with the Urosevich brothers.

Hart InterCivic (based in Austin, Texas) is a family company too, long kept in the family, privately held. Does have some venture capitalists involved now, but the ownership for all but the most determined researcher is pretty murky.

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