The Cincinnati Enquirer is asking for feedback on which syndicated op ed columnists to run. Last year this was only done via snail mail and the results were predictably conservative. This is my paper and I am so sick of Krauthaumer and Kathleen Parker. And Walter Williams and Jeff Jacoby.
If you are not a SW OH DUer use an email addy that does not reveal your geographic location and throw in things like, I live in Mason, West Chester, Deerfield Township, Hyde Park, Indian Hill, Oakley, Norwood, Anderson Township or Clifton for authenticity.
Today's Forum cover is an effort to get your feedback on the writings of the syndicated columnists whose opinions we share with you every day. We offer a wide range of views with these writers - conservative, liberal and every nuance in between. We don't always agree with everything they all say and we know that you don't either. But a goal of these pages is to offer the free exchange of ideas, to provoke insight and debate, and to maybe, just maybe, get you to see the other side of an argument.
One of the nation's most popular columnists, William Safire, is retiring in February. The New York Times columnist has been a staple on our Opinions page for many years and enjoys a strong following in Cincinnati. We are interested in who you think should replace this conservative Pulitzer Prize-winner. Another Pulitzer Prize-winner, who appeared occasionally, Norman Lockman of the Wilmington News Journal, also is retiring.
This week we also decided to drop Armstrong Williams from the Enquirer, after it was revealed he had an undisclosed $240,000 contract with the Bush administration to plug the No Child Left Behind education program in his columns and on his television show. His failure to disclose that connection was an intolerable ethical breach.
Now we want to hear from your. Look at the list of 21 regular columnists on this page, and tell us your three favorites and three least favorite. If there is someone you'd like to see who is not on the list, tell us that too.