Why he cut 900 precincts in 1999, prior to the 2000 election and over 700 prior to the 2004 election, when there have been over 800,000 newly registered voters.
Ask him why in some areas the ratio of 1 machine per 99 voters was followed (and then some), and why other areas had 1 machine to 250 or more voters? (in a 12 hour day, at 3.5 minutes per voter would be 204 voters -- the 5 minutes per voter scenario would be 144 voters per machine) .
Ask him why he hasn't answered any of the questions that Rep Conyers and House Judiciary Committee Democratic Staff asked, or why he refuses to give a deposition, or why he feels he is above the law. Ask him why he can so easily dismiss this Status Report -- that's over 100 pages as "frivolous"
http://www.pdamerica.org/field/final%20status%20report.pdfAsk him if he would have had his children or grandchildren stand in line for 4 hours to vote.
Ask him what happened in Lucas County (several precincts there use Optiscan -- my mom's did)
http://www.freepress.org/departments/display/19/2004/975I live in Ohio -- and what Blackwell has done, and is doing is
wrong. Pushing a deadline on Optiscans when he balked at getting a vendor for e-voting
http://www.kenblackwell.com/news.asp?formmode=release&id=39 is quite fishy to me. He's trying to take pressure off of what happened and to say he's offering a solution. Don't buy it!
It's not like HAVA was passed yesterday. He had years to make changes -- and the changes he made were in merging precincts, increasing the amount of people per polling place, and making it virtually impossible for every person to vote (changing requirements at the last minute, etc.). Oh, this year, he blamed it on preparing for e-voting
http://www.portlandphoenix.com/features/other_stories/multi1/documents/04258174.asp , but that does not tell us why in 1999 -- over 900 precincts were lost. My suspicion is that this was the beginning -- and that the reason we had, for the first time in 20 years under 65% voter turnout is because people saw the lines in 2000 and walked away -- and Florida overshadowed this!
Push on him for Accountability! Don't reward him for a decision "well made" when it isn't.
I'm mad at him -- not anyone here! :)
http://www.sos.state.oh.us/sos/PRECINCT DATA INFORMATION
It has come to my attention that in the 1980s and early 1990s there were little changes to precincts. Consistently Presidential Elections had more turnout (in the 70% range usually) than off-year elections (in the 30%-40% range usually) .
From 1992 on as we added voters to our registry, somehow our precincts began to go down, but the most they declined were after Kenneth Blackwell, Ohio's Secretary of State, took office.
From 1980 to 1984 there was an increase of voters by 369,950.
From 1980 to 1984 there was a decrease of precincts by 36.
From 1984 to 1988 there was a decrease of voters by 56,816.
From 1984 to 1988 there was a increase of precincts by 285.
From 1988 to 1992 there was an increase of voters by 261,298.
From 1988 to 1992 there was an increase of precincts by 157.
Since 1992 things started going a little different.
From 1992 to 1996 there was an increase of voters by 300,485.
From 1992 to 1996 there was a decrease of precincts by 602.
From 1996 to 2000 there was an increase of voters by 697,767.
From 1996 to 2000 there was a decrease of precincts by 985.
From 2000 to 2004 there was an increase of voters by 439,482.
From 2000 to 2004 there was a decrease of precincts by 785.
**From 1992 to 2004 there has been an increase of voters by
** From 1992 to 2004 there has been a decrease of precincts by 2,372 -- the most not occurring this year, but in 2000!
I got this all from the SOS website. This is your data.
Precincts Reporting.......... 100%
# of Precincts............... 13,332
# of Registered Voters.......5,962,864
Total Votes Cast.............4,378,937
Percent of Votes Cast........73.88%
Actual Voters/Precincts...... 328 (This would be the number if voters to precincts were evenly distributed -- in this case would be 328 voters per precinct -- not the real number per precinct, but just for reference -- you'll see why as you get further down.)
Precincts Reporting.......... 100%
# of Precincts............... 13,296
# of Registered Voters.......6,332,454
Total Votes Cast.............4,664,223
Percent of Votes Cast........73.66%
Actual Voters/Precincts...... 351
Precincts Reporting.......... 100%
# of Precincts............... 13581
# of Registered Voters.......6,275,638
Total Votes Cast.............4,505,284
Percent of Votes Cast........71.79%
Actual Voters/Precincts...... 331
Precincts Reporting.......... 100%
# of Precincts............... 13,738
# of Registered Voters.......6,536,936
Total Votes Cast.............5,043,094
Percent of Votes Cast........77.14%
Actual Voters/Precincts...... 367
Precincts Reporting.......... 100%
# of Precincts............... 13,136
# of Registered Voters.......6,837,421
Total Votes Cast.............4,638,108
Percent of Votes Cast........67.83%
Actual Voters/Precincts...... 353
Non-Presidential Election 1997
Precincts Reporting
# of Precincts
13124 (Precincts reporting 13100??)
# of Registered Voters
Total Votes Cast
. 3,163,091
Percent of Vote Cast
Actual Voters/Precincts
Non-Presidential Election 1998
# of Precincts............... 13,079
# of Registered Voters.......7,096,423
Total Votes Cast.............3,534,782
Percent of Votes Cast
Actual Voters/Precincts
(Lost 57 precincts from 1998)
Non-Presidential Election 1999
No precinct data
# of Registered Voters.......7,146,895
Total Votes Cast.............2,467,736
Precincts Reporting.......... 100%
# of Precincts............... 12,151
# of Registered Voters.......7,535,188
Total Votes Cast.............4,795,989
Percent of Votes Cast........63.6%
Actual Voters/Precincts...... 394
(Lost 926 precincts since 1998 (no precinct data 1999))
Non-Presidential Election 2001
# of Precincts............... 11,844
# of Registered Voters.......7,153,796
Total Votes Cast.............2,574,915
Percent of Votes Cast........35.99%
Actual Voters/Precincts...... 217
(Lost 307 precincts from following year)
Non-Presidential Election 2002
# of Precincts............... 11,756
# of Registered Voters.......7,113,826
Total Votes Cast.............3,356,285
Percent of Votes Cast........47.17%
Actual Voters/Precincts...... 285
(Lost 88 precincts from following year)
Non-Presidential Election 2003
# of Precincts............... 11,488
# of Registered Voters.......7,138,493
Total Votes Cast.............2,649,482
Percent of Votes Cast........37.11%
Actual Voters/Precincts...... 230
(Lost 268 precincts from following year)
Precincts Reporting.......... 100%
# of Precincts............... 11,366
# of Registered Voters.......7,974,670
Total Votes Cast.............5,722,211
Percent of Votes Cast........71.75%
Actual Voters/Precincts...... 530
(Lost 122 precincts from following year, 786 since 2000)