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Columbus' Coleman to run for governor, so Plusquellic won't

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Kolesar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-01-05 12:59 PM
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Columbus' Coleman to run for governor, so Plusquellic won't
COLUMBUS - Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman will be the first Democrat officially in the race for governor in 2006 when he announces his candidacy today during a noon press conference from his home.

Coleman's entry into the race means Akron Mayor Don Plusquellic will not be a candidate for governor. The men had a mutual agreement not to run against each other.

Plusquellic was in Florida, expecting a telephone call from Coleman, and would not comment beforehand.

It is not clear whether the amity between Plusquellic and Coleman exists among all Democrats in Ohio. While U.S. Rep. Ted Strickland said two weeks ago he would not run for governor, his colleague in Congress, Sherrod Brown of Lorain, indicated he was mulling a bid and would decide in six to eight months.

Also, Jerry Springer continues to be a possible candidate, so a contested primary is not out of the question
Beacon Journal, long article, but a good read, except he says "Democrat Party"
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