Thank you again for the great response to my first post and podcast. We have a long way still to go, and I don't want to wear out my welcome. But I wanted to briefly share my disappointment about Karl Rove's disgraceful choice to sacrifice our national security for the sake of slash and burn political payback. I share those thoughts in the second offering of our Kitchen Table series of podcasts at my podcast site (
As you know, Mr. Rove blew the cover off of a CIA operative, Valerie Plame, after Ms. Plame's husband (Joseph Wilson) proved false President Bush's claims that Iraq was dealing with Niger to obtain uranium. Ms. Plame's job was to track those who attempt to deal in weapons of mass destruction. Not anymore, Mr. Rove has made sure of that.
Sadly, Mr. Rove's disregard of national security for the sake of slash and burn politics fits neatly within a pattern of arrogance and decay that continues to deepen and widen with each day of one-party rule. And recently, we were reminded of why the change we so deeply need begins at home, in Ohio's 15th District.
You see, not long after I recorded this, Rep. Pryce went on the record to defend Karl Rove (link: as a whistle blower. A whistle blower?!
Maybe I'm old-fashioned. And maybe there's more to the story, but I doubt it's anything redeeming. The fact is, most folks here in central Ohio have a very different name for a man who attacks someone's wife over a political beef and then hides behind a reporter. Around here, we were raised to believe that there is indeed a name for Americans who attack America's national security for political payback, and it's not whistleblower.
And folks, this is real. I pray that no one has been hurt or killed, and that no one will, as a result of Mr. Rove's apparent breach of national security.
This current one-party rule will not change, it will not listen and under no circumstances will it accept responsibility. But it will stop, if we want it to. The growing arrogance and decay illustrates so clearly why it's the right time for a new voice for U.S. Congress. It begins here in Ohio's 15th district and it begins now.
I invite you to listen (, to let us know what you think and to remain in touch with us.
Thank you!