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The new NRCC ads against Hackett are just awful.

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VolcanoJen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-30-05 03:32 AM
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The new NRCC ads against Hackett are just awful.
Edited on Sat Jul-30-05 03:40 AM by VolcanoJen
The media blast is in full-swing in OH-2 and throughout Cincinnati. The anti-Hackett ads portray him as a tax-and-spend liberal, and they're so damned tired and overdone that I'm not sure they're going to work. Another DUer reported that the push-polling against Hackett has begun, so it's basically slash and burn for them from here on out. Predictable. I remind myself that it usually works, but I'm not sure it will this time.

Schmidt won her primary against formidable local Republicans like Dewine because she kept it positive, stayed under the radar, and let the top two duke it out and get ugly. Apparently she hasn't reminded national about that; her campaign manager is a little, ummm, distracted at the moment.

Hackett's campaign should take the high ground here, focusing on his service, his resume, his family. Focus on Hackett, that's the answer. It's crunch-time, and the candidate needs to pound the pavement. Every person he meets, he wins over. He's a natural.

Did anyone catch Schmidt on "Hardball" tonight? David Gregory was filling in, and she was up in some northern hinterland at a fair. She's successfully avoided the more Hackett-prone, urban areas of Cincinnati, from what I hear. I thought she came off as caustic, and exactly like a Bush "rubber stamp" as Hackett claims. Gregory pushed her a bit, but she successfully evaded his questions to talk about how much the voters of OH-2 support the President and his (failed) policies. Not so fast to speak for us, Jean...

Hackett understands the voters in this district better than Jean Schmidt, no matter what she claims. Keep it up OH-2, and I'll see you in the trenches this weekend!!
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LaurenG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-30-05 04:12 AM
Response to Original message
1. I thought she needed a broom
and black hat to go with her expession.

Seriously, she gives me the creeps. A self rightous neo con once again cozying up to the backsides of her "base" in Indian Hills etc. I saw her, listened to two comments and turned it off.

No more of those in Ohio. We need Hackett badly.
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VolcanoJen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-30-05 04:23 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. Indian Hill, parts of Kenwood and Amberley, and the rural BushBots
What discourages about me is this: I live here, I know the people, I'm from this part of the state my entire life. BushBots abound. They're everywhere. They can't be talked to, because they either explode, or throw you out of their social circle forever.

Bush's poll numbers are dropping like it's hot. (I think this should be our new, youthful mantra, not really) Are the true-blue BushBots coming around, or are the independents getting more vocal?

Mark Twain once said "When the end of the world comes, I want to be in Cincinnati because it's always twenty years behind the times."

He was spot-on.

By the time the Cincinnati-area BushBots come around, we'll be in the second term of a McCain-Bush administration.
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LaurenG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-30-05 04:38 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. I moved here about 5 years ago
grew up in Texas and lived in Denver for a few years before moving here. I really like this area but there is a very red feel to it. Cincinnati is such a mix of different people that I never know what's ok to talk about with whom.

I think Hackett will take this, I live west of his area so I can't vote for him. The biggest problem he is going to have is getting voters to realize there is an election. No one at work knew to go vote Tuesday until I told them about it. He has all the votes from the people who are in his district from my workplace.
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Douglas Carpenter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-30-05 04:14 AM
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2. help with the Hackett campaign NOW!!
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chaumont58 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-30-05 06:49 AM
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5. I wish I were optimistic, but I'm not
I don't live in his district, even the state. I'm from a repuke area of California, but I did contribute to his campaign, yesterday. My pessimism has nothing to do with either campaign, just the recent history of voters in this country. Chimpie was selected and then reselected, having gotten enough fools to vote for him, that the repukes could steal the elections.
My recommendation is for anyone that has to be in a room with repukes is to keep his hand on his wallet, count his money before he enters and after he leaves. When they can't win at the ballot box, they steal the ballot box.
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Kolesar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-30-05 07:29 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. It is a battle in the grassroots because it is a special election
Turn out will be lower than last November. Highly-motivated voters will show up and those that are rousted by the 'roots. We can only hope. I live outside the 2nd district, and contributed as did you. Thank you, Democrat.
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