OH MY OHIO: Bernadette Noe Said Complicit in Gaming 2004 Elections
Wife of Embattled GOP/Bush-Cheney Operative Embroiled in Gaming Ohio Balloting/Recount
'CoinGate' Scandal Grows, Special Prosecutor Now RequestedAugust 1, 2005
Brad BlogWe've been (mostly) quietly watching the situation in Ohio blow up in slow motion over the last several weeks/months. The "CoinGate" scandal there has been the touchstone of Campaign Finance/Money...
The "CoinGate" scandal there has been the touchstone of Campaign Finance/Money Laundering scandals which is spreading like a cancer across the entire state; from "Mr. Republican" Thomas Noe, who angled his way into mis-managing a $50 million piece of the State Workers Pension Plan via his own personal exceedingly risky investments in rare coins -- millions of dollars from which have now disappeared -- through the Republican Governor Taft's own office and even the Ohio Supreme Court itself, both of which are all now being implicated through the spidering tentacles of this extraordinary state-wide scandal.
But what is known so far appears to be just the tip of an incredibly rotten iceberg...
For full story, click:http://www.bradblog.com/archives/00001648.htm