In this, the Season of Nonviolence, we ask that everyone honor the memories of M. Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., and abide by the principles of nonviolence in presenting our message to our community.
Please read the very brief and very good advice regarding nonviolent protest at the link below: is extremely important to our message that we abide by these principles. It's a little difficult to get a message of peace across if we are participating in angry, belligerent behaviour if confronted.
If you feel you will be unable to abide by the principles set forward in this message, please do not participate. We want this rally to be indicative of our violence or hateful behaviour in word or deed will be tolerated from anyone.
We can no longer afford to confuse peaceability with passivity. Authentic peace is no more passive than war. Like war, it calls for discipline and intelligence and strength of character, though it calls also for higher principles and aims. If we are serious about peace, then we must work for it as ardently, seriously, continuously, carefully, and bravely as we now prepare for war.
~ Wendell Berry, Orion Magazine-March 2003