Democratic Party of Oklahoma Monthly Luncheon
At the “Meeting Place Resturant” 104 E Choctaw Ave, McAlester,
January 2, Thursday 2006
State, country officials and candidates present were:
State Senator Richard Lerblance, District 7
Barbara Gilbertson State Representative District 17
Dr. Brian Renegar State Representative District 17
Lloyd Fields, candidate for state labor commission
Jim Bob Miller candidate for District Attorney District 18
Jason Sober District Attorney District 18
Cerita Moreley Pittsburg country Treasurer
Trent Myers Pittsburg County Emergency Management Director
Mary Coker City of McAlester Council Ward 6
Dr. Brian Renegar stated that he was against “Home Rule”
State representative Terry Harrison could not be present because he was at the hospital with his wife where she just had a baby boy, 7 lbs. home rule,
there is a delegation of power from the state to its sub-units of governments (including counties and municipalities). Home rule would allow several things that could fundamentally change the current county government system:
• Appointment of a “county administrator” that would be similar to a city manager;
• Expansion and/or consolidation of county governing body--some proposals would expand the governing board to 16 members;
• Consolidation of city/county services and functions.
All of these potential changes would fundamentally change county government. More importantly, they could dilute and insulate officials from direct accountability the most important decision-makers--the voters of the county.
Lloyd Fields Fields, of Arpelar, is a former District 18 state representative. Fields never lost an election for the representative’s seat during the 10 years he held office.
Four years ago, he decided to run for the labor commissioner’s seat instead of seeking re-election to the District 18 post.
Fields won the Democratic Primary, but lost a close race in the General Election to Republican incumbent Brenda Reneau Wynn. candidate for labor commissioner. Fields stated that he wants to see a state minimum wage of $9.00 per hour, such as New Mexico has just adopted. He feels that the current labor policy of the State of Oklahoma is wrong and he wants to see workers rights protected.
State Senator Richard Lerblance said that the gross production tax reciepts of the gas/oil industry were ONE BILLION dollars last year. Lerblance wants to put 200 million dollars into education and raise the state base pay of teachers by $3,000.00. Lerblance wants more money allocated to our state roads and bridges, in particular he is moving application for disaster relief for drought damage on roads. For example the road from Crowder to Blocker is in bad shape and it may have to be closed if repairs are not made
Lerblance pointed out the crisis in increased natural gas bills for our schools by the example of the Quinton schools which had an increase from $3000.00 a month to $10,000.00 in their gas bill.
Lerblance wants to allow re-importation of low cost prescription drugs from Canada which could cut costs of drugs by 50%
Next month the meeting will be moved back to the former date which is the 2nd Thursday of each month at the “Meeting Place” Restaurant. Guest speakers will be: Pete Regan candidate for Lt. Governor. Pete Regan was former Chief of Staff to Congressman Dan Boren. Ben Odom, Vice-Chair of the Oklahoma Democratic party will also be there.