Edited on Tue Apr-27-04 10:15 PM by Route66Kid
.....state questions that make in onto the November general election ballot tend not to fair well. Unless it is an issue that receives a lot of media ad time in favor of it (which requires a lot of $$$), most state questions get shot down in Oklahoma voter referendums.
I remember one question on the 1984 ballot proposing a repeal of the Civil War widow's pension from the Oklahoma Statutes..........did not pass!
I doubt any proposal to increase the gasoline tax in Oklahoma, regardless of what its revenue would benefit, would pass in a referendum.
There are enough Jesus Republican/conservative/heterosexual church goers in Oklahoma who would buy into a proposed Constitutional ammendment on defining marriage as a union between a man and woman and outlawing same sex marriages to sustain passage in a voter referendum.
The casino thing can go either way, although with the history of perimutual betting on horse racing not panning out in terms of revenue for education it may have an uphill fight.
The current and recent problems dogging prominent democrats (like the Wes Watkins, Carroll Fisher and Gene Stipe messes) haven't helped win any hearts and minds.
All that said, the campaign season has not yet begun in earnest. The national election will be a referendum on George W. Bush, so with so many disaffected and disenchanted voters who may have had their job outsourced, spouses and/or children or even themselves called up and sent to Iraq with their reserve unit to deal with a mess with no end in sight, and who as native Okies are paying close to $2.00 for a gallon of gasoline (we Okies feel like we're getting scalped if we pay over 90 cents a gallon!), state democrats may get a big coattail to ride on, this state being solidly republican for the last twenty years notwithstanding!