(I also posted this in GD, but am putting it here, too, because of the great behind-the-scenes look into the Carson-Coburn race in 2004.)
This one is next on my reading list! A friend of mine just finished the book, and he says it is to the point: how to build the structure needed to elect Democrats.
For Oklahomans, it goes into detail about what happened with Brad Carson's campaign for the Senate seat that Tom Coburn won.
Plus - I found even MORE to like about Russ Feingold in it - check it out:
www.alternet.org/story/34113/From excerpt from "Crashing the Gate: Netroots, Grassroots, and the Rise of People-Powered Politics" by Jerome Armstrong and Markos Moulitsas Zuniga (Chelsea Green, 2006).
It's hard for Democratic candidates to sound like real people when Washington's consultant class holds the purse strings and the power.
"I don't get it. When a consultant on the Republican side loses, we take them out and shoot them. You guys -- keep hiring them." --Nationally prominent Republican official...(Edited to fix link)