Someone published a letter in response for my call to drop Coulter from the Lawton Constitution. As I expected, the writer claimed that I was attempted to censor Ann Coulter; said the left was going it too; and insulted my taste in culture. I guess the only liberal pundit he knows is Molly Ivins because he picked on her. Anyway, I sent in a response and here it is:
------------------------------------------------------- LTTE Free Speech and Poetry
Dear Editors,
I am responding to the recent letter that claimed my personal prejudices took precedent over Ann Coulter’s right to free speech. As a card-carrying member of many organizations that defend civil liberties, I assure you that I believe everyone has a right to publish an unread journal on the internet. I also am well aware of the rule of law and due process, which seems to be lacking in other circles. However, as a nationally syndicated columnist, how many times can Ann Coulter call for violence against others and blow off criticism by saying that it was all a joke. Ann Coulter certainly has a right to freedom of the press, but this time she was one goose step away from calling for a crystal night against liberals. As a member of the informed electorate, I have an obligation to say enough is enough. Do we have to wait until some skinhead idiot kills someone? The writer rationalizes Coulter’s editorial and says the Left is doing it too. In particular, he chooses Molly Ivins, the only liberal published in the Lawton Constitution, as someone who is like a “septic tank’. He admits that he rarely goes past the byline. I challenge anyone to show where Molly Ivins has ever threatened anyone with violence. I don’t see too many Marats or Robespierres with nationally syndicated columns. There is a lot of hypocrisy when one says that the Left is doing it too. As a proud member of the Left, I can say that we don’t establish “free speech zones” to marginalize protestors; we don’t require citizens attending events to sign loyalty oaths; and we don’t label everyone as a traitor who expresses his or her right to dissent. For those who disagree with my definition of culture or taste in poetry, free verse is popular right now and is a valid form of poetry. But if I must validate my knowledge of poetry: I had a villanelle – a French form – published in the recent Lawton Arts and Entertainment Magazine. Finally, everyone is welcome to read my other poetry and letters in my journal on Democraticunderground.com