Michael is a right wing radio talk show host in Tulsa, for those of you who don't know. He's also a loud mouth, and very critical of progressives. He presents himself as a Christian family man with conservative values.
It has just been announced in the news that he has been caught cheating at a couple of the local casinos. He also made some VERY inappropriate remarks about one of the female dealers, asking another male dealer if everyone who works at the casino has slept with her. When this got back to the management of the casino, Michael was thrown out and told to not come back. Michael apparently had also been caught cheating at some point in this same casino, and was thrown out and banned for a period of time.
Then, he went across town to another casino and got caught cheating again - doing the same thing - and was banned for 5 years, the maximum time allowed by law or casino rules.
This is just another example of a right wing hypocrite. I think they must all be hypocrites, must be part of the package when you sign up or something.
And these people think they have some right to tell the rest of us how we should live our lives! F yourselves, and take a look in the mirror if you want to see a shining example of how NOT to live your life!