This republican (Shannon) has been playing the "Jesus" card (he keeps saying what a good Christian he is in his non-stop TV ads), has been given tons of money by the republican party, and now he uses the race issue. ========== Wednesday, October 04, 2006 Shannon Campaign Responds To Racist Email FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: (580) 695-9530 October 2, 2006
Shannon Calls for an end to Negative Campaigning
LAWTON – State House candidate T.W. Shannon today demanded an apology from county Democrat chairman Mike Weddington ,for a false, negative and inflammatory personal attack upon his qualifications.
“Chairman Weddington’s comment that I am only qualified to be a chauffeur reflects an attitude that is out of step with most people in Lawton, and – quite frankly, sets our community backward a half century,” Shannon said.
Shannon called on his opponent Janice Drewry to immediately disavow the statement.
Shannon said he has a degree from Lawton Public Schools, Cameron University, and a law degree from Oklahoma City University.
He has served as a congressional aide for four years, working as a staff assistant and field representative, and has worked in business a number of years.
Weddington's email stated that: “I cannot find anything in his past that would qualify him as anything more than a chauffeur.”
“Comparing and contrasting the qualifications of candidates is what spirited campaigns are all about. I believe my years of public service will speak for themselves.” “ However, when my opponent’s county chairman, denegrades my educational and political credentials to that of a domestic laborer, I can’t help but question the true motive.”
“While Chairman Weddington may only see me as qualified to drive his car, I think most voters of the district will see an experienced, energetic leader who is more concerned with providing working families with job opportunities, affordable healthcare, and educational opportunities. “
“Weddington’s email went on to suggest that Shannon is not from Lawton. “ This is absurb…I am a 3rd generation Lawtonian. My family has been in this community since the early 40’s.” I grew-up here, met and married my wife here, and I am now raising my daughter here.
“Not only is the comment grossly inaccurate, it reflects the negative campaign that my opponents apparently intend to wage,” he added. “I have knocked on hundreds of doors in this district for six months and it’s clear among voters…stop the partisan mudslinging and and get back to the business of serving the people.”
“We’ve been waging a positive campaign for six months, and certainly intend to stick to the issues instead of issuing untrue personal attacks.”
Weddington’s comments came in a widely circulated email to other county Democrat Party officials and supporters.
“This comment is outrageous and it defies the advice that I give to kids in my Sunday School class. I encourage them to get their education, work hard, become productive members of society, and create opportunities for your families. ” Shannon said. “This is the American dream, available to all who aspire to do better. As a conservative, that’s what I believe.”