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Daily Oklahoman:The Worst Newspaper in America

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peanutbrittle Donating Member (605 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-29-06 11:26 AM
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Daily Oklahoman:The Worst Newspaper in America
Edited on Sun Oct-29-06 11:45 AM by peanutbrittle
My latest experience with the DO (see this post.... ) spurred me to do a google search on some Gaylord dirt and I ran into this. Thought I would pass it along.

We could turn this state more blue if someone could get in here and establish some serious competition.

Not really sure anything about the source and it is from 1999:

The Worst Newspaper in America
part 1 of 5

by Bruce Selcraig
Selcraig is a former U.S. Senate investigator and staff writer for Sports Illustrated who lives in Austin, Texas. He can be reached at

daily oklahomanOne Sunday morning many months ago the Rev. Robin Meyers stood before some five-hundred members of his eclectic flock at Mayflower Congregational Church in Oklahoma City and ruminated about what he might do if he ever won a lottery jackpot. "I said I would give a lot of money to education, children, the homeless, that sort of thing," he recalls. "Then I mentioned that if there were any money left over I would start what this city really needs -- a competing daily newspaper to The Daily Oklahoman . . . Well, everyone just started applauding. The place went wild. And this is not a wild church. Even the Republicans were clapping."

That same Sunday, like every day in Oklahoma City, a group of news-starved citizens ranging between five thousand and ten thousand, depending upon the quality of the football season, bought what many here call the most respected daily newspaper in town -- a paper produced two-hundred miles away, The Dallas Morning News.

"I simply won't subscribe to The Daily Oklahoman. They skew the news," says one of the local defectors, junior college professor Frank Silovsky.

"I'm always encouraging my students to read newspapers," says former Oklahoman city editor Randy Splaingard, a journalism professor at Oklahoma City University, "but I never require that they read the Oklahoman. The Constitution forbids cruel and unusual punishment."

much much more......

God forbid they would ever expose thier readership to any real news or opinion such as something like this:

Sweatshops, made in the good, old U.S. A.

How an official who tried to help exploited workers ran afoul of powerful Republicans.
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YellowRubberDuckie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-29-06 10:21 PM
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1. I'm in love with the Gazette.
It's a little more entertainment, but they really need to branch out.
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