A list (PDF)
http://www.ok.gov/~elections/sq_gen06.pdfA Summary:
Affects pay of legislators who have been convicted of a crime in that the must return any pay received while serving jail time
Allows money from the Rainy-Day Fund to be spent on what amounts to corporate welfare. In other words, if enacted, this law would allow RDF money to be used to prop up failing businesses, specifically manufacturing businesses. The governor, leader of the House and leader of the Senate must all agree to the expenditure, which would be maximized at 10 million dollars per year. Another qualification is that at least 80 million dollars must be available in the fund before it could be spent at all.
Allows the sale of alcoholic beverages from package stores on election days.
Would enact the so-called "freeport exemption" allowing exemption from property taxes goods shipped into the state that do not remain in the state more than 90 days.
The Corporation Commissioner race pits Cody Graves (D) against Bob Anthony (R).
Last poll I saw has Anthony up over Graves by 6 points with +/-4 margin of error. Anthony, you may recall, approved a utility rate hike that resulted in kickbacks to an associate. He's a criminal as far as I'm concerned, and several former commissioners have come out specifically against him, but businesses love him, so he's got a lot of support. This race is going to have more of an impact on the next few years than most people realize. If Anthony is in there, it's not going to be good at all.
You think your phone and electric bills are high now? Just wait until Anthony is done.
You can find the judge races here: (PDF)
http://www.ok.gov/~elections/06genlst.pdfI'd list them all, but it's a long list. You need to scroll down past the legislative races. The list starts on Page 6 of the PDF file.
Oh, and we're sending Mary Fallin to Congress for pity's sake. I hang my head in shame once again. She's up in the polls by something like 10 billion points. (I think it's more like 30, but what's a little exaggeration among friends.) She's in my district, and I'm doing what I can to GOTV for David Hunter, but it seems to be a losing battle. She's Oklahoma's version of Katherine Harris, just without the open insanity. (She keeps her insanity more subdued in front of the public.) She also, unfortunately, learned from Brad Henry. She's very engaging personally in a way that Harris isn't, so she doesn't come across as psycho to people generally inclined to support her.