happy as I am for our country today, I am saddened by my State's own affairs. Here we have elected a Democrat for every major position except Corporation Commissioner(I mean, hey, who better to run it than a Repug?), and then to have a Repub majority in the State House and an even split in the State Senate. The Blue Wave never made it to Oklahoma.
And I am not proud to be represented by the likes of Senators Jim Inhofe & Tom Coburn or our slate of Representatives; John Sullivan, Frank Lucas, Tom Cole, Mary Fallin(all Repub's), and my own DINO Dan Boren.
So, I am conflicted. My emotions run the gambit of sheer joy for our nation to utter disgust for local government. But I am a ultra-liberal living in the Bible Belt so what more can I expect? Thank god for DU, my alter-reality, where the world is a much better place.