I encourage all Oklahomans to write Senator Coburn about his hypocrisy:
Senator Coburn:
It has come to my attention that you voted against the recent ethics legislation, and I've been wondering what it is about ethics that you dislike. It is my understanding that you did not like one of the provisions in the legislation because it would have prevented you from being a Senator and a Doctor at the same time.
Since both occupations demand full time and attention, I wonder which one you had planned to do part time? Were you planning to be a part time Senator to the people of Oklahoma? Or were you planning to provide second rate medical care to your patients? It would seem impossible for one man to do both things at the same time and perform both at an acceptable level.
Since you have said in the past that God called on you to be a Senator, is it possible that by default he was telling you to not be a Doctor? I have no idea how well you perform your duties as a Doctor, but as one of your constituents I can tell you that your performance as my Senator leaves a lot to be desired.
You must be a tortured man. You profess to be a good Christian, and have taken an oath to provide the best care possible for your patients, so you must have some love of mankind, and a desire to care for and nurture others. So how is it that you can continue to support President Bush and the war in Iraq?
As a Christian, you must be concerned that the information provided that led us to war was wrong. Especially since we know that Bush knew it was wrong when it was presented to Congress as fact.
And as a medical doctor, you must be broken hearted at the pain, suffering, and death our troops and the innocent Iraqis are enduring.
At what point does a life become expendable in your mind? You fight for the rights of the unborn, yet you stand by and allow our brave soldiers to die at the hands of a cruel enemy, knowing they do not have the body armour to protect themselves with. And you are willing to send more of them over to Iraq, despite the fact that military officials have now gone on record as stating we do not have enough body armour or other equipment for the "surged" troops.
Is there a particular age that a life becomes less worthy of living? Obviously you believe an unborn child has more of a right to live than an adult soldier. When does this switch happen? During childhood? Or perhaps their teen years? Does it occur when they reach adulthood? I'd just like to know when the value of a life changes so drastically in the mind of a Christian doctor.
I encourage you to search your heart and your soul for the true answers to these questions, because your actions do not indicate you are either a caring medical professional, nor a caring Senator.
As an Oklahoman, I am one of a growing number of people in this state who feel we do not have adequate representation in Washington. You do not protect my interests, my rights, my liberties, or my well being, based on your voting record.
I ask you to end the hypocrisy now and do the good Christian thing and stop the needless deaths of our soldiers. Bring them back home, where they can protect us within the borders of our own country, which today are still unprotected.
Further, I ask you to reevaluate your support of George Bush, a man of dubious character, who is sacrificing everything our country has stood for over centuries for this war in Iraq. A war based on lies. A war that he seems unable to put a stop to. The price we've paid is already too high, do not encourage further death and destruction by your support.
You will have to answer for your actions to a higher power. And that higher power knows the truth. Do you?