House Bill 2661 will put a cap of $250,000 on damages in ANY personal injury case in Oklahoma. That means if you lose both legs due to the negligence of another (even if it is done by a corporation with ten million dollars in insurance coverage), all you can get is $250,000 to pay your medical bills, pay for future medical expenses, live on for the rest of your life, and pay your attorney for prosecuting your case.
This bill assumes that juries are too stupid to award a just amount of damages, if over $250,000, and extinguishes the right of the people to be awarded more if a jury of their peers find that they are entitled.
Unfortunately, Oklahoma is full of a bunch of right-wing freaks who apparently are chomping at the bit to limit their rights in court! It's amazing. Therefore, PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF HEARD!
Call: Governor Brad Henry 405-521-2342; Call Senate Pro Tem Cal Hobson 405-521-5553; Call House Speaker Larry Adair 405-557-7394, and; your state representative.
This proposed legislation makes the people irrelevant. Please participate.
P.S. The same is true for proposed Workers' Compensation reform, which takes further steps to SCREW THE PEOPLE.