Edited on Sun Feb-03-08 05:54 PM by fudge stripe cookays
Greetings OK folks!
It figures, now that I have left Texas, I just found a crop of ancestors who settled in Oklahoma for a time, and it looks like one of them may have died there.
Some of you know I'm writing a huge book of my Smith family ancestors, and have about 800 pages so far. I've spent the last 2 years traveling the country meeting cousins, and collecting photos, family stories, letters, and all kinds of other goodies so that this ginormous family can be documented.
I even moved us up to Wisconsin to be closer to the sources of information that I needed in Madison, and the rest of the Midwest. How's THAT for dedication! Unfortunately, Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness does not have any volunteers working in the area, and the Historical Society's fees for research are a bit steep right now with reprehensor and I both unemployed at the moment.
Am wondering if I could persuade any kind-hearted DUers to look up an obituary at the Historical Society if they get nearby? I can send a bit for gas and copies and your time.
If you think you can, PM me and I'll send you what I can on this guy.
Thanks, ya'll! :hi: fsc