the words of Will Rogers: "All I know is what I read in the papers" (it's often attributed to him). Therefore, "all they know" is one side of the issues (the one the often very conservative, pro-big business oligarchies such as the Gaylord Family want you to know and, condescendingly, fully realize that their readership will drink the Koolaid without question).
I would venture that part of the lack of education among some segments of Oklahoma's populace has to do with those "all I know is what I read in the papers" types. It doesn't matter what level of education they attained as far as I'm concerned, either.
And one wonders what these people will do when newspapers finally die. They are dying quickly at least as a "hold it in your hands and get black newsprint all over your fingers" medium and evolving more and more as web-based interactive entities.
I don't want this to sound like an indictment of Oklahomans but its hard not to. I'll do my best to be gentle. I am a native Oklahoman who has lived in Lawton, Tulsa and now Norman and it's not easy to diss my own people, but I will when it's warranted and I think its warranted. I'm ashamed of my fellow Oklahomans that let fear (fear which I can't help but think is based on religious grounds) and a lack of information (or a lack of willingness to weigh all information that is available to them) influence the fact that we have to put up with six more years of Jim Inhofe, however many more years of Sally Kern in her district in Oklahoma City, and other hateful ideologues who EMBARASS this state to no end.
As I said above, oligarchies like the Gaylord Family only want you to know what they want you to know, and they skew the news (even the sports news about the pathetic NBA team, formerly the Seattle Supersonics, that the publisher's brother in law owns) as they see fit. It's their prerogative, but its also a disservice to the people of Oklahoma.
I don't know if there is a liberal think tank in Oklahoma. The closest thing I can think of might be the liberal blogging community in the state. Kurt Hochenauer, the webmaster and author of the blog Okie Funk, is also an editorial contributor to the Oklahoma Gazette. The Gazette also publishes semiregular columns by Dr. Robin Meyers (author and pastor of Mayflower UCC) ... both of them stuff that the Oklahoman would never dream of printing ... because everybody's head would explode because it wouldn't know what to do with reality-based information.
Alternative viewpoints are out there. It's a matter of promoting them however and whichever way possible.