Oklahomans, please go to the following links and send E-mails to Governor Henry and your state representative and senator telling them to vote NO on House Bill 2661. I have provided a sample message below which you can copy and paste. Thank you.
http://www5.lsb.state.ok.us/legislators/lsbaddress.aspALSO call this number: 1-800-294-7801. It will forward you to your senator's office and you can leave a voice message.
Sample message:
I am writing to urge you to oppose the proposed tort reform legislation, HB 2661.
We do not need any more legislation in this state that favors insurance companies and corporations. It is time for Oklahoma government to stand up FOR THE PEOPLE. Let juries decide the amount of damages a plaintiff should be awarded in a civil tort claim.
Organized groups are unfairly scaring people into believing that our court system is filled with frivolous lawsuits, and that juries are awarding excessive damages. It is NOT THE TRUTH.
Ninety-percent of medical malpractice suits in Oklahoma that go before a jury result in a verdict for the defendant/doctor. Medical malpractice lawyers do not prosecute frivolous cases, because they cannot afford to advance the great amount of costs and expenses necessary unless a case is clearly meritorious.
Why shouldn't health care providers and corporations be held responsible when they make mistakes, sometimes egregious, that result in harm to innocent Oklahomans? What happens to a family when the breadwinner is seriously disabled, in need of lifelong medical care, or can no longer earn a living? The current limitation on damages proposed in HB 2661 will surely bring about disastrous for many Oklahomans in the future.
Our tort system generally mirrors that of other states. The system has worked for 200 years. Frivolous lawsuits get thrown out of court, and judges freely exercise their power to lower unreasonable damage awards.
Please leave intact the right of the people to seek redress in our courts without limitations designed to increase the wealth of insurance companies and big corporations.
Oppose HB 2661.
Thank you for your consideration.