First, the Jon Stewart version:, now that you've watched that, here's the more conventional version: a million Haitians still living on the streets of Port-au-Prince amid heaps of uncleared rubble nine months after a devastating earthquake, the AP reports that "not a cent of the $1.15 billion the U.S. promised for rebuilding has arrived."
Both houses of Congress approved the billion for rebuilding and creating temporary shelter for Haitians.
But a necessary followup vote on how to disburse the money has never taken place because a single lawmaker - Republican Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma (above) - placed a secret hold on the bill for "further study."
AP reporters had to contact dozens of Senate offices to discover it was Coburn holding up the badly needed money, because antiquated rules allow any one senator to stymie key bills in total anonymity.Read more: just for good measure, Coburn telling the American people to pray a senator doesn't make a vote...