I have a friend in Tulsa who works full time (and then some), but he works for a contractor and has NO health insurance via his employer, and says he can't afford it on his own. He makes just barely 'too much' for any usual assistance program, but not enough (after child support, which is another friggin' bad joke) to buy his health insurance on his own.
Do you know of any recourse this guy might have to get regular health care? I think I remember that OK opted out of some part of the Affordable Care Act. (Naturally. :banghead: ) Anyway is there anything that ACA brings in that can help this guy get insurance at a decent price? Or any other ideas?
I live way too far away to be of help 'on the ground' in OK, and I have health insurance myself from my job, so I don't even know what the options are here, let alone there. But he's an old friend and I get pissed off at this situation whenever I talk to him. Just wondering if there's anything he might not be aware of that might help.
Thanks for any suggestions!