Edited on Thu May-20-04 08:57 PM by hippywife
June is going to be a busy month for TPF. Mark your calendars and join us. All are welcome! June 5th: Streetside demonstration 41st and Yale Noon- 2:00pm Show the community at large that there are people willing to make a stand and add their voices to the call for an end to hostilities. Before the start of the war, these demonstrations rallied nearly 300 people. On the anniversary of the war there were 100 or so who joined together on the corner. Of all the other rallies we have held, only a dozen or so people (the same people) actually show up. We need more people! We have tons of signs (or bring your own.) You will be amazed at how uplifted you will feel for having participated. The feeling of standing side by side with others in this cause is truly exhilerating! Come experience the joy...or as Nancy likes to say, "Get those peace endorphins flowing!" Original 60's protest music included! :D June 11-13: Stand Down for Homeless Veterans Nationally, 1 in every 3 homeless is a veteran. Every year around the country, veterans organizations reach out to help on a huge scale. Local veterans' groups have reserved the Springdale Recreation Center 2223 E. Pine for three days to offer meals, a safe place to sleep, medical attention, assistance with resources, clothing, shoes, and non-perishable food. Needed are volunteers to help with the preparation, serving, and clean up of meals, donations of clothing (no winter clothing at this time please) and shoes for men, women, and children. Donations of non-perishable food items and money to support this effort are also needed. TPF has committed to support this effort in any way we can but mostly with our time as volunteers during this event. If you are able (I know you are all willing) to assist, please post here or send me a PM. We want to go there and work as a group. The actual date and time to be announced as more details unfold. June 14th 7:00pm: Monthy TPF Meeting Film and Discussion "Whispers on the Wind" (for information go to www.whisperonthewind.org) Location TBA June 23rd 7:00pm: Film at TU co-sponsored with Amnesty International "Afghan Massacre: Convoy of Death" which documents how under USA supervision, 3000 Afghan prisoners lost their lives by suffocation when they were put in airless containers and driven cross country. Location TBA June 24th 7:00-9:00pm: Patriot Act forum featuring members of the Tulsa Bill of Rights Defense Commitee along withConcerned Citizens of Stillwater who tried and failed to win a city council resolution banning the enforcement of certain aspects of the Patriot Act. Aaronson Auditorium Central Library Downtown June 30th 7:00pm Pastors For Peace visit. PFPs on their way to visit Cuba offered to show a 30 minute film about the effect of the US embargo against Cuba. (tentative depending on ability to find location etc.)