I can't find the poll I base this on, so take it for what it's worth.
From my understanding, Humphreys polls worse among OKC moderate Republicans because of his (lack of) performance as mayor of OKC. Running him against Carson, who is himself a moderate to right-leaning Democrat, would likely be more favorable to a Democratic victory if the voting comes down to OKC voters.
Coburn is more of a nut, but he has broader popular appeal and not the same level of negatives in OKC, in part because they don't know him. Or, if they do, his nuttiness is something they can deal with since it is based on religious fundamentalism. And, you know how that plays to an OK audience.
Right now, I don't know that it matters a great deal which Republican is selected. They've both polled against Carson within the margin of error, so both are essentially even races. My concern is the large number of undecided voters and who captures their attention. If Democrats can rally around Carson, despite what many of us might think of him personally, we may be able to capitalize on a hard-fought Republican primary.