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Caravan of Humanitarian Aid to Cuba to Stop in Tulsa

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hippywife Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-20-04 11:57 AM
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Caravan of Humanitarian Aid to Cuba to Stop in Tulsa
Edited on Tue Jun-22-04 10:42 AM by EarlG

Wednesday, June 30th, 7:00 p.m. Fellowship Congregational Church 2900 S. Harvard

Pastors For Peace, and the Tulsa Peace Fellowship are sponsoring a visit to Tulsa of members of the national Pastors For Peace U.S.-Cuba project. It is part of a country-wide caravan traversing 13 areas of the nation and visiting 120 U.S. cities before arriving in Cuba July 9.

This is the 15th anniversary of the Pastors For Peace challenge to the U.S. blockade of Cuba. Since 1992 it has delivered over 2,350 tons of critically needed humanitarian aid to the Cuban people without securing a U.S. Treasury license to do so. Over 100 tons are going this July.

The members of this caravan include:

The spokesperson for national PFP is ANTONIO ROSELL, originally from Peru and currently living in Minneapolis. He traveled with Pastors For Peace in 2002 on the spring caravan to Chiapas, Honduras and to Nicaragua. In Minneapollis, Antonio works as director of Community Design Group, a small collaborative association offering design services to neighborhoods and community groups in the Twin Cities. His knowledge of and experience in Latin America brings a unique and holistic perspective to our understanding of the situation in Cuba. He is an urban planner and a civil engineer; much of his work centers around community development, housing and urban issues, transportation planning, and public participation. With Antonio on this caravan will be SHALAGH JESSOP, a young woman peace activist from Lawrence, KS. and SHANE GASPEYER, from Connecticut.
You can meet members of the national caravan, and view the brief PFP video, "Who’s Afraid of the Little Yellow School Bus?"

If you are interested in knowing more about U.S.-Cuban relations, the caravan, and what we can do to be better friends with our neighbors to the south, attend the free public event. There will be time for questions and answers.

*Edited by Admin at author's request to remove personal information.
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Billy Burnett Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-20-04 02:27 PM
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1. Hooray for PFP and IFCO!! Contact link here

I have been to Cuba on a PfP mission, and it was among the most rewarding and eye opening experiences I have ever had. Cuba is a wonderful country, and Cubans are wonderful people. They are hardworking and poor, but will share their last. Don't believe the US propaganda that "informs" us that Cubans don't vote for their representatives or that they don't have great affection for Mr Castro, because they do both.

Viva Cuba!

"The Dash" (MP3, download or stream 160kps, 3.3MB)
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