Coburn Name-Calling Continues; Cherokees Dismiss Coburn as Radical
"To hear Coburn in his own words"
TAHLEQUAH, Okla. - Leaders of the Cherokee Nation are puzzled by U.S. Senate candidate Tom Coburn, who said that Cherokees “aren’t really Indians” and that Indian treaties are “primitive agreements” during a meeting in Altus, Oklahoma last month.
Coburn seems to be narrowing down the list of Oklahomans that he will serve if elected to the U.S. Senate. He has already panned farmers, “crapheads in Oklahoma City,” and Native Americans appear to be next on his list.
“Listen, I know the tribal issues; I was a congressman where most of the Indians are in this state,” Coburn said. “The problem is, most of them aren’t Indians.”
“This shows a pattern of divisive behavior by Coburn,” said Chad Smith, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation. “I’m a Republican and it is hard to understand why Tom Coburn takes pride in dividing Oklahoma and ridiculing people. If you disagree with him, you are evil. There’s no discussion, no room for understanding.”