will lots of editing help from DUers. I may make some family/friends angry, but what's a person to do?? :)
Editor, Tulsa World October 10, 2004
I am angry and disgusted by the direction the current administration has taken in attempting to lead our country. We find ourselves in a quagmire of violence in a country that did not ask to be occupied by a foreign power, evil dictator or not. The very fabric of our country is unraveling. Religious ideologies are being crammed down our throats, disguised as political policy. The people have been silenced by the mind-numbing sound bites of television, by fear and by the media monopolies that toe this administration’s party line. The Bush administration thinks nothing of lying in order to further its policies, treats the world as its very own plaything, stands as the only superpower in the world and acts like the neighborhood bully. I am voting for John Kerry because he is a man of integrity and intelligence and because I believe that our country will descend further into the hell created by this administration should George W. Bush remain in office. It is however, tempting to give Bush another term in which he can be held accountable for the havoc he has created. Another term where he can show the world and the American people the real “man” behind his mask of “compassionate conservatism.” Four more years….to convince the American people that lying, corporate fascism, Machiavellian politics, government secrecy, and the erosion of our basic liberties are NOT in our best interests. If it weren’t so horrifying to contemplate the ultimate destruction of our country, I might just give in to this temptation and follow the Tulsa World's endorsement of George W. Bush.