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Corporate fund-raising draws scrutiny

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qnr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-16-04 05:41 PM
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Corporate fund-raising draws scrutiny
Edited on Sat Oct-16-04 05:41 PM by qnr

Corporate fund-raising draws scrutiny
Originally published on Saturday, October 16

By Luke Engan

Using what may be a loophole in state campaign laws, a corporation seeks $500,000 in unlimited anonymous donations and to elect lawmakers who support its agenda.

Oklahomans for Lawsuit Reform revealed its intents in a letter soliciting corporate and individual contributions while boasting its advantage over political action committees.

“We have to play by different rules but we’re more effective than a PAC because we can put more resources into the key districts,” stated chairman John Brock’s July 29 letter to doctors and corporate officials. “Help us elect people who will vote for lawsuit reform. And this year that means the Republican candidates both local and national.”

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MatrixEscape Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-16-04 06:13 PM
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1. The exact opposite is calling to be explored!
It is obvious that large campaign "contributions" by corporations are not, in essence, gifts. They can be considered payment for future services.

The combination of almost Orwellian media control, campaign contributions, and intense lobbying efforts is literally destroying even the facade of Democracy in America. A Representational Government will still exist, but the question of who it ultimately represents is going to be the question of this Century.

The result of the corporate effect on American politics is inflaming a wound that becomes more infected every day.

The gap between the rich and poor is becoming a vast and growing chasm. Foreign policy is largely influenced and even determined by the weapon's manufacturers themselves where war and conflict increases sales and profits. That goes on unchecked ... or blank checked!

Multi-national corporations have no flag. They set up shop where they please and despite the public relations efforts they spin, they have no real concern for the negative impact they have on people, the environment, or countries.

The list goes on and on. The most important thing is that the beast is now completely out of control, or in control, depending on how you look at it. Only major reforms and dramatic changes will stem the Political Oligarchy that allows corporate exploitation to be the New Imperialism externally, and the New Fascism internally.

Campaign contributions must be seriously addressed. Democratization of the Mass Media must be brought to the table. Lobbying power must be explored ... the times, they are a changin'.
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