Dear Senator Wyden,
I am deeply concerned about the nomination of John Negroponte to act as "Intelligence Czar", a new position of considerable power and importance. As you may recall, Mr. Negroponte acted as the U.S. Ambadssador to Honduras during an era of serious human rights violations, supporting the illegal Contra operations of the Reagan administration and turning a blind eye to the death squads of SOA-trained General Alvarez. His tenure as ambassador to Iraq is no more praisworthy, and it will likely take decades before all the bloody double-dealings he has supported and concealed from view see the light of day.
While the vast majority of the Bush administration's nominations are getting a clear pass through the Senate, this particular one is beyond the pale and deserves to be rejected. Please, for the sake of humanity, for the sake of memory, for the sake of our reputation in Central America, for the sake of the Senate's own dignity if nothing else, oppose the outrageous appointment of this Iran-Contra criminal to positions of further power.
The world is watching. Your constituents are watching.
Portland, OR
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