from passing in the house.
JUST CONFIRMED: HB 2025, which requires mandatory fluoridation of ORegon water, is headed for a vote on the floor later this week. This is our last opportunity to stop this bill in the House. Mandatory fluoridation has already been voted down TWICE by Oregon voters and is being pushed by special interest groups. The substance they are proposing is an industrial waste product contaminated with lead and arsenic, that has NEVER been approved by the FDA for human ingestion. It is unconscionable to add this to our water supply.
Please send a message (text provided below), even if you've contacted legislators on this bill before. (Links to legislators provided below). ALL OF US who care about Oregon's water need to send a last-minute message to House leaders and our own representatives and tell them why water fluoridation is wrong for Oregon.
WHAT TO SAY (sample message provided):
We always encourage people to craft their own messages. Those that are clear, concise and respectful will be most effective.
If you have time only to cut and paste, here's a sample message you can use:
In the Subject line of the email write: HB 2025 is wrong for Oregon
Dear Rep. ___________________,
Because HB 2025 is wrong for Oregon on many levels, I urge you to vote NO on this bill.
Oregonians treasure our pure, safe water, some of the best in the country. Fluoridation is the purposeful addition of industrial waste byproducts contaminated with lead and arsenic. No level of exposure to lead or arsenic today is considered safe.
Oregonians value informed consent. Fluoridation blatantly violates our doctor/patient relationship and right to informed consent.
Oregonians want effective solutions to Oregon's problems. Never before has fluoridation's effectiveness been so seriously in question based on 1) new scientific proof that fluoride's effect is predominantly topical (not systemic); 2) national survey findings that decay rates are comparable regardless of fluoridation; 3) FDA's confirmation that it has never evaluated (or approved) fluoride as effective when ingested for a reduction in decay.
Oregonians care about salmon. Fluoridation of municipal water results in increased levels of fluoride in rivers, and at only 0.2 ppm, fluoride has been shown to adversely affect salmon migration.
The Centers for Disease Control reports that the majority of tooth decay is now concentrated in low-income populations without insurance or access to dental care. Access to care is Oregon's most pressing dental need....not more fluoride.
Please protect the quality and safety of Oregon's drinking water. Say NO to HB 2025.
Your Name and Address
1) CONTACT HOUSE LEADERS: Send email messages to the Speaker and the Majority and Minority Leaders in the House, and to your own representative (info below). Then, if you're inclined, follow up with phone calls. Again, be short, respectful, and to the point. (Remember, some of these people agree with us.) Here is contact information:
Speaker of the House, Rep. Karen Minnis:
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1200
House Majority Leader, Rep. Wayne Scott:
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1400
House Minority Leader, Rep. Jeff Merkley:
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1900
2) CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVE: Locate your state representative here (scroll down past federal legislators to find your state rep toward the bottom): you've located your rep, find his/her contact info here Then click on "Representative Information" to find email address and/or phone number.
3) MORE TALKING POINTS: For more talking points, review documentation at the Citizens' web site,, or link to and on the Fluoride Alert web site.
Finally, share your messages and any feedback from legislators with us if you have time.
We're all pulled in many directions these days. But there isn't anything much more basic or of such vital importance as having clean, safe drinking water. Please take time to let our elected officials know how important this is to you and to Oregon. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to this issue.
Best regards,
Oregon Citizens for Safe Drinking Water
PO Box 1045
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Tel: 503-675-7451
National website: