Huh. Who knew? First the ANWR vote and now this.
(Oregonian editorial.) Smith's personal compass
Oregon's Republican senator served his state and nation well by going against his own party on Medicaid cuts
Friday, March 18, 2005
W ho was the compassionate conservative in the U.S. Senate on Thursday?
Was it Sen. Gordon Smith, R-Ore., who stood up to President Bush and Republican leaders by sponsoring a successful amendment to strip every nickel of proposed Medicaid cuts from next year's budget?
Or was it Senate Budget Committee Chairman Judd Gregg, R-N.H., who insulted Smith and a handful of other Republican moderates by questioning "how they get up in the morning and look in the mirror."
The senator from New Hampshire is the one who ought to be taking a look in the mirror. He and his cohorts are seeking to trim the national deficit on the backs of America's poor and disabled.
Smith led the way in blocking that approach, at least for now. He was chief sponsor of the amendment, approved 52-48 despite severe pressure from fellow Republicans, to turn back a plan to cut growth in Medicaid spending by $14 billion over the next five years. Instead, Smith's amendment creates a commission to work for a year looking for ways to cut costs by reforming the federal-state health program.