I was wondering if this thing with Schiavo would play into the recent Supreme Court proceedings in the Bush Administrations efforts to repeal the "Death with Dignity" act.
Oregon lawmakers oppose Schiavo legislation
The state's delegates see Congress' decision as a potential threat to Oregon's Death With Dignity law
Monday, March 21, 2005
http://www.oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/index.ssf?/base/news/111140257332440.xml<snip> The measure does not directly address the Oregon law that allows physician-assisted suicide. But Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., and others said before it was passed that it would set a dangerous precedent for Oregon's law.
"They have been very, very clear -- the administration and Congress -- that they want to overturn our Death With Dignity law for exactly the same reasons," Blumenauer said Sunday.
Republican leaders said they wanted to pass a bill that would let federal courts overrule Florida courts in the Schiavo case. But Rep. David Wu, D-Ore., and others served notice that they would object to the move after most members had left for spring recess. That forced leaders to call members back to Washington on Sunday.
Wu had planned to leave Washington on Saturday but stayed after receiving notice of the Schiavo bill, an aide said. Wu took to the House floor Sunday night to argue that Congress should not interfere in matters best left to families and local authorities.
"The Republican leadership has transformed a profound tragedy for the Schiavo family into a tragedy for the entire nation," Wu said.
<snip> In the end, the legislation included language specifying that Congress' intervention in the Schiavo case would not be held as a precedent in other cases in which a patient is near death but cannot express his or her intentions.