Dear Oregon Activists,
By the end of this weekend Gordon Smith will hear the voice of Oregon. The response so far has been great, but I still need Volunteers. I need 4 More volunteers in Medford, I need 10 more Volunteers in Eugene, and I need 5 More volunteers in Portland. If you haven't contacted me to volunteer yet just email me at The effects of this vote will last far beyond George Bush and a Republican controlled Congress. We can not ignore or downplay this issue too much is at risk. I would like to thank all of you for time, consideration, and efforts. Below you will find the final details of each event. Also those of you not in these cities or are unable to help out Saturday there is instructions below on what you can do.
Portland OR
We will meet at 9:45 AM at Saturday Market, between Naito PKWY and SW 1st AVE, at the MAX stop. KC Hanson is the lead and we will be up and running from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
We still need at least 5 volunteers.
Eugene OR
We will meet at 9:45 AM at the Erb Memorial Union on the corner of 13th AVE and University St. outside of the Buzz Café Coffee Shop. . Ken Brady will be lead contact.
We still need 10 Volunteers, I know you can do it Eugene.
Medford OR
We will meet at the Medford Library 9:45 AM at 413 West Main St. There is no Lead Organizer yet.
We still need At least 3 Volunteers.
Outside Of These Cities.
Anyone can petition anywhere. If you want to get signatures just Email me and I will send you the Petition form and work out the details with you. We need to get these petitions in the mail on Monday. I will send out one more email tomorrow with even more activities that can be done. If you have already emailed me I will get in touch tonight. And everyone should Call and Email Gordon Smith, Eastern Oregon 541-278-1129, Western Oregon 541-465-6750, Southern Oregon 541-608-9102, Central Oregon 541-318-1298, Portland Metro 503-326-3386, Email know we can do this, it is because of you all that I love this state, you all are truly activists. Once again you are defining Oregon as the Heartbeat of democracy in this country. Thank you