please distribute this message appropriately...
Dear Safe Water Advocates,
NOW is the crucial time for sending our messages opposing two mandatory fluoridation bills; both are in the Senate Environment and Land Use Committee. You'll remember that HB 2025 passed the House…we must stop it in the Senate if we’re to protect Oregon’s drinking water from contaminated fluoridation products.
PLEASE, take a few minutes to make your voices heard.
In its amended form, the House bill is now HB 2025-A. To see the text of this bill and of SB 539 (which is not likely to be heard) search:
http://www.leg.state.or.us/bills_laws/.YOUR MESSAGE: Short and Compelling
Let senators know you oppose these bills and urge them to vote “NO” on HB 2025-A and SB 539. If time is short, that would be enough.
Otherwise, please expand your message, focusing briefly on the one or two points most important to you. Be strong, respectful, direct (remember, many of them already agree with you). Tell them why this bill should not pass, why it is wrong for Oregon. For your convenience, talking points are included below.
The senators are listed in order of importance below (if motivated, please make quick phone calls, too; be sure to give your location as well as your name). Send a copy of your email as well to committee administrator, Matt Shields, and ask that he put your message into the public record. His address is: matt.shields@state.or.us
1) Members of the Environment and Land Use Committee:
Quick Cut and Paste:
sen.charlieringo@state.or.us, sen.jasonatkinson@state.or.us, sen.rogerbeyer@state.or.us, sen.ginnyburdick@state.or.us, sen.frankshields@state.or.us
Individual emails/phone numbers: (Messages have more impact if sent separately to each senator):
Sen. Ringo: 503-986-1717; sen.charlieringo@state.or.us
Sen. Atkinson: 503-986-1702; sen.jasonatkinson@state.or.us
Sen. Beyer: 503-986-1709; sen.rogerbeyer@state.or.us
Sen. Burdick: 503-986-1718; sen.ginnyburdick@state.or.us
Sen. Shields: 503-986-1724; sen.frankshields@state.or.us
2) Your own Senator:
http://www.leg.state.or.us/findlegsltr/ (scroll past federal legislators listed first to find your state senator)
3) Senate Leadership:
Quick Cut and Paste:
sen.petercourtney@state.or.us, sen.katebrown@state.or.us, sen.tedferrioli@state.or.us
Individual emails/phone numbers (more impact if sent separately):
President, Sen. Courtney: 503-986-1600; sen.petercourtney@state.or.us
Majority Leader, Sen. Brown: 503-986-1700; sen.katebrown@state.or.us
Minority Leader, Sen. Ferrioli: 503-986-1950; sen.tedferrioli@state.or.us
POSSIBLE TALKING POINTS (these are most effective when said in your own words):
· Fluoridation chemicals are toxic waste products from fertilizer manufacturing, which contain arsenic, lead, and other harmful substances. The newest studies on lead show there is no safe level of exposure for children. It is wrong to add something to water alleged to benefit children which is knowingly contaminated with a toxin known to harm them.
· Fluoride ingested for tooth decay does not have FDA approval. This bill mandates the addition of an unapproved drug to water supplies.
· For the same money, why not adopt safer, more effective alternatives targeted to the low-income populations most at risk for dental caries?
· Low-income populations most affected by tooth decay are most in need of access to regular dental care, not more fluoride.
· The government's own national survey found that rates of dental fluorosis in “optimally” fluoridated areas were more than double those in non-fluoridated areas. Young children are ingesting more fluoride from tap water than a physician could prescribe for a non-fluoridated child. Who will be financially responsible for this permanent damage to teeth caused by the overmedication of children?
· Dental journals acknowledge that fluoride is "ineffective" on the two most common forms of tooth decay: "pit & fissure decay," and "baby bottle tooth decay."
· The CDC reports that fluoride's preventive effect is topical, not systemic. Why not strengthen programs of topical exposure, rather than increase systemic exposure by fluoridating the water supply?
· Mandating drug therapy through the water supply violates standards of medical practice and the right to informed consent.
For more ideas, see the following links on the www.fluoridealert.org web site:
http://www.fluoridealert.org/action.htm and
http://www.fluoridealert.org/50-reasons.htmSEND US A COPY: It is helpful if you can forward a copy of your message to us, or let us know that you called (and who your rep is). We also get good insights into their thinking when you forward the return messages you receive from legislators.
I keep saying it because it is true: little is of greater importance than protecting the quality and safety of our drinking water. Please help. We cannot afford to lose.
Oregon Citizens for Safe Drinking Water
PO Box 1045
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Tel: 503-675-7451
National website: