Onward Oregon works to fulfill the promise of Oregon. We value social justice. Vibrant, successful public schools. Livable communities. Sustainable, living-wage jobs. A protected Environment. Access to quality health care. Smart Growth.
We see institutions and programs we value, some dating back to the 1930s' New Deal, being threatened or dismantled. We see opportunities lost and new solutions ignored.
Onward Oregon will focus our voices to defeat George Bush and Oregon's radical right. We'll promote issues and ideas that support our values. Inspired by the success of MoveOn, we think it's time for an Internet community that understands Oregon issues and national issues from an Oregonian perspective.
Onward Oregon exists to connect people in joined advocacy for progressive change in Oregon. We will build a powerful membership of Oregonians with shared values. We hope to give these members the opportunity to connect with each other both virtually, through our website, and in the real world, through meetups and events. We hope to bridge the divides—both cultural and geographic—that separate Oregon today.