Senator Smith,
I have a 3-year old daugther and we watch a lot of PBS kids' shows - they are by far the best that television has to offer for someone her age. I am disturbed by the recent assault on PBS by many in the Republican party. Those that claim to represent family values should certainly recognize the benefits that PBS programming provides to children, unless, of course, they are only interested in playing partisan politics with our tax dollars.
I am particularly concerned with the blatant partisanship and hostitlity toward PBS exhibited by Ken Tomlinson. In addition to his unfounded accusations of bias at PBS, he is apparently also improperly allowing the White House to control PBS through the back door. This is unacceptable. E-mail evidence reveals Tomlinson has communicated secretly with the White House. He then lied about it in public statements. This is dishonest and immoral behavior, and possibly illegal as well.
Please see further information at this link: information can be confimed by your office with a simple google search.
I do not want my tax dollars to be spent on any more Bush Administration propaganda (along the lines of Armstrong Williams and the others who were improperly and secretly paid by the Bush Administration - using tax dollars - to "shill" and spin stories for the Administration's benefit).
I request that you join the other Senators who are are calling for Tomlinson's resignation. If Tomlinson does not have the decency to resign, he must be fired. This unethical behavior cannot be tolerated.
Thank you.